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ORTA endorses Fichtenbaum, Harkness, and Smith for STRS Ohio Retirement Board

STRS Ohio Watchdogs

In spring 2025, STRS Ohio will hold an election for two contributing member seats and one retired member seat on the STRS Ohio Retirement Board.

ORTA is endorsing Rudy Fichtenbaum for re-election to the retired seat. Fichtenbaum is currently serving as the Chair of the Board.


ORTA is endorsing Michael Harkness and Chad Smith for the two contributing seats. Harkness, who is currently seated on the Board, replaced Steve Foreman, who resigned from the Board in June.

Nomination Petitions

Fictenbaum, Harkness, and Smith are currently collecting signatures for their nomination petitions. Click on a candidate's name to open their nomination petition:


Instructions for Nomination Petitions

  • Print the nomination petition(s).

    • Electronic petitions will not be accepted by STRS Ohio.

  • Collect signatures.

    • For the retired seat, those eligible to sign the nomination petitions are all retired members, including STRS Ohio retirees who are reemployed in an STRS Ohio-covered position. Persons receiving disability benefits and survivor benefits are not eligible to sign this petition.

    • For the contributing (active) seats, those eligible to sign the nomination petitions are members presently contributing or those who have contributions on deposit with STRS Ohio. Not eligible to sign this petition are retired teachers or STRS Ohio retirees who are reemployed in an STRS Ohio-covered position, and those who do not have an account with the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio. 

  • Mail the petitions to the candidate or to ORTA.

    • Send petitions to ORTA at ​250 E. Wilson Bridge Road, Suite 150, Worthington, Ohio 43085.

    • Please allow enough time for petitions to be received by STRS Ohio by Friday, February 28, 2025, at 4:30 PM.

    • Petitions sent to ORTA will be delivered by hand to STRS Ohio.​​

ORTA Position on the Election of STRS Ohio Board Candidates

​The mission of ORTA is to monitor, advocate for, and protect the pensions and benefits of its members. The Association shall encourage individuals to improve the social and economic changes and issues relevant to their retirement.

ORTA will endorse STRS Ohio Board candidates who actively advocate for transparency of investments and business practices for the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio Pension System. Transparency of Investment practices shall not conflict with Ohio Revised Code 3307.15. In particular, Section 3307.15. (e), states, “Any statement of financial position distributed by the board shall include the fair value, as of the statement date, of all investments held by the board under this section.”


ORTA believes that once elected, Board members serving as our fiduciaries should adopt a prudent investor approach and avoid investments where the investment’s fair value cannot be independently determined. ORTA supports Board members and STRS management in exploring investments and investment strategies that might bring additional revenues into the pension plan to restore, maintain, or enhance member benefits. ORTA encourages the Board to predetermine a reasonable dollar allocation while vetting such investments and investment strategies to avoid jeopardizing the fiscal integrity of the pension system.

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