As a rule, we don't post about the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) as they are federal laws over which STRS Ohio has no jurisdiction. However, as many of our active and retired members are impacted by WEP and/or GPO, we want to alert everyone to a very important event scheuled to take place in D.C. on December 11, 2024.
The National FOP has secured a permit to hold a rally at the US Capitol on Wednesday, December 11, to urge the US Senate to move HR 82 on the Senate Floor and pass the bill.
The Rally is scheduled for Wednesday, December 11th at 11:30 am and will be hosted in collaboration with the FOP, IAFF, AFSCME, AFT, NEA, AFL-CIO, and NARFE. This united front represents a significant opportunity to send a powerful and undeniable message to members of the Senate: the time to act is now!
It is critical that there be a strong presence at this Rally. A large turnout will reinforce our collective voice and create the momentum needed to secure a final vote in the Senate. With the mobilization efforts of all participating organizations, we are positioned to make a tremendous impact.
While preparations for the Rally are underway, we must continue to mobilize our grassroots campaign.
Please take immediate action by calling the following Senators to demand movement on H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act:
Senate Leader Chuck Schumer: 202-224-2158
X: @chuckschumer
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell: 202-224-3135
X: @McConnellPress
Senate Committee on Finance:
Ranking Member Michael D. Crapo: 202-224-4515
X: @MikeCrapo
When calling, remind them that:
• The Social Security system is broken, and the time to fix it is now.
• Urge Senate Leader Schumer and Senate Minority Leader McConnell to move H.R. 82 to the Senate floor for a vote without delay.
• Ask each to vote YES on H.R. 82.
Time is of the essence. The last day of the current Congressional session is December 20.
Let’s ensure that the voices of public servants across the nation are heard loud and clear.
Follow these organizations for updates on the rally and the current grassroots campaign to repeal WEP and GPO: