On October 26, 2021, two retired Ohio teachers, Dean Dennis and Bob Buerkle, filed a class action lawsuit against STRS Ohio regarding the suspension of the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA). The trial is currently scheduled to begin on July 29, 2024, On June 8, 2023, Wade Steen filed a lawsuit against G. Brent Bishop et al regarding his removal from the STRS Ohio Retirement Board by Governor Mike DeWine. DeWine removed Steen from the Board on the eve of the announcement by STRS Ohio that Pat Davidson had been elected to the Board. Steen was replaced with G. Brent Bishop. Many members of STRS Ohio believe that Steen was removed in order to lessen the impact on the Board of the addition of another reform-minded Board member. Click here for information about accessing the court documents and sign up for email updates about both lawsuits.
STRS Ohio active lawsuits
Cindy Murphy